A/B Testing

Think you’re right? Prove it.

Landing on the perfect mobile app layout, design and messaging is tough. Find out what’s most effective at driving user engagement, conversion, retention, monetization and frequency with Kii A/B Testing. Run simple or multivariable experiments and make optimal variations live in one click to give all of your users the best experiences.

Integrated platform


Why manage multiple vendors and dozens of SDKs when you don’t have to? Mobile A/B testing for Android, iOS and Unity is built into your complete full-stack mobile development platform.


Grow your app through data-driven decisions about its user interface, user experience, design, messaging and features. For example, find the optimal call to action (Try or Buy), color for your buttons and boosts (blue or orange, red or green), button placement, headline or price (e.g. 97¢ or 99¢ for extra lives).
  1. Select a percentage of users as a test group.
  2. Look at usage behaviors and preferences.
  3. Roll out optimal changes.
Powerful action now


Act on A/B Testing results instantly, publishing optimal variations with one click, to bring thousands of changes to life. No app down time. No need to update app stores. No need to wait days or weeks for another team to roll out your changes.


Run A/B tests from simple to complex. Kii supports your use cases, from multi-variable to multiple conversion experiments, so you get a better picture of what your users are doing.
  1. Start with a hypothesis
  2. Set up your experiment(s)
  3. Learn users preferences between two choices or multiple variables
  4. Collect data to confirm your hunch (we’ll let you know when results are statistically significant)
  5. Push the optimal result(s) to everyone—no need to change your app
Up and running in minutes


Implement Kii A/B Testing into your app with just a few lines of code. To view results, simply log into your Kii dashboard. Team collaboration is supported to help keep your developers, interactive designers and marketing team on the same page.